Handbook of Research on the Impact of Culture and Society on the Entertainment Industry, R. Gülay Öztürk, Editör, IGI Global, Pennsylvania, ss.503-520, 2014
In this chapter, the award-winning television commercials of Turkey’s Cristal Apple Advertising
Competition are studied in terms of their use of humor. The commercials are content analyzed, and humorous devices are organized according to the studies of Sterthal and Craig (1973), Kelly and Solomon
(1975), Buijen and Valkenburg (2004), and Yee (2011). The humorous devices are listed according to four
distinct product categories—banking, decoration, detergents and household cleaners, and foods—and
determined according to four distinct categories designed by Weinberger, Campbell, and Brody (1994).
All the award-winning advertisements are analyzed according to humorous devices used and product
types comparatively. As a result, it is observed that there are significant differences in terms of humor
use in advertisements in different sectors. Accordingly, the most humorous advertisements are in the food
sector. The humor devices used in the advertisements differentiate from year to year.