Publications & Works

Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

Analysis of Deep CNN-based Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Image Classification Process using Explainable AI

2023 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU), Sivas, Turkey, 11 - 13 October 2023

Classification of Buried Objects Using Deep Learning on GPR Data

2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Systems & Engineering Technologies 2023 IEEE IC_ASET, Hammamet, Tunisia, 29 April 2023

A Reinforcement Learning (RL)-Based Hybrid Search Method for Hidden Object Discovery using GPR

6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Systems and Emergent Technologies, IC_ASET 2023, Hammamet, Tunisia, 29 April - 01 May 2023 identifier

GPRStudio: an extensible cross platform GPR signal processing tool

SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing Symposium, United States Of America, 12 April 2021 identifier identifier

Identification of buried objects based on peak scatter modelling of GPR A-scan signals

SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing Symposium, Baltimore, United States Of America, 14 April 2019 identifier identifier

Real time Buried Object Detection Using LMMSE Estimation

IEEE, European Radar Conference 2010, 26 September - 01 October 2010 identifier

Rotation and scale invariant template matching applied to buried Object detection in GPR data

30th IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing, IGARSS 2010, 25 - 30 July 2010

Buried Object Detection Using Goodness of fit to Gumbel Distribution

International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics and the American Electromagnetics Conference, 5 - 09 July 2010

Real Time Object Detection Using Dynamic Principal Component Analysis

XIII International Conference On Ground Penetrating Radar,Lecce, 21 - 25 June 2010 identifier

Textile Antenna for the Multi sensor Impulse GPR EMI Subsurface Detection System

XIII International Conference On Ground Penetrating Radar,Lecce, 21 - 25 June 2010 identifier

Adaptive Linear Prediction Based Buried Object Detection with Varying Detector Height

XIII International Conference On Ground Penetrating Radar, 21 - 25 June 2010 identifier

A Novel Detection Warning Signal Creation Method for Hand Held GPR Applications

XIII International Conference On Ground Penetrating Radar, 21 - 25 June 2010 identifier

A false alarm reduction method for GPR sensor Moving at varying heights

SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing Symposium, Los-Angeles, Chile, 26 April 2010

Depth estimation of buried objects using wavelet transformand statistical hypothesis testing

SPIE Defense and Security Symposium Orlando, ABD, 5-9 April 2010, 5 - 09 April 2010

Development of Dual Sensor Hand Held Detector

SPIE Defense and Security Symposium Orlando, ABD, 5-9 April 2010, 5 - 09 April 2010 identifier identifier

Gömülü Metalik Cisimlerin Yapay Sinir Ağına Dayalı Teşhisi

IEEE 15. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, Turkey, 11 - 13 June 2007 identifier

CA CFAR Detection against K distrubuted clutter in GPR

SPIE Defense and Security Symposium,Orlando, 9 - 13 April 2007

Yere Girimli Radarda K Dağılımlı Kargaşaya Karşı CA CFAR Algılama

URSI-TÜRKİYE'2004 II. Ulusal Kongresi, Turkey, 8 - 10 September 2004

Gömülü Cisimlerin GPR yardımıyla Sezimi

SİU2004 Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, Turkey, 28 - 30 April 2004 identifier

Image Multi Thresholding Based On sample Moment Function

ICIP 2003, IEEE, International Conference on Image Processing, 14 - 17 September 2003 identifier

Selection of Thresholding Methods for Non Destructive Testing Applications

ICIP 2001, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 7 - 10 October 2001 identifier

Tahribatsız Muayenede İmge Eşikleme Yöntemlerinin Başarım Karşılaştırması

SİU’2001 IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı, Turkey, 25 - 27 April 2001

A study on the evaluation of multilevel thresholding methods based on the automatic thresholding criterion

13th International symposium on computer and information sciences, 26 - 28 October 1998

Renyi entropisine dayalı yeni bir çok seviyeli eşikleme yöntemi

6. Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı, Turkey, 28 - 30 May 1998

An Application of Multilevel Thresholding Methods to Visual Cloth Quality Inspection

International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision - QCAV’97, 28 - 30 May 1997

Visual Inspection of Reflective Materials

International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision - QCAV’97, 28 - 30 May 1997

Skıştırılımış İmgelerde Hareketli Hedef Belirleme

5. Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı, Turkey, 1 - 03 May 1997

Yansımalı Yüzeylerde Hata Belirleme

5. Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı, Turkey, 1 - 03 May 1997

Image Segmentation Based on Boundary Constraint Neural Network

International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing - IWISP’96, 4 - 07 November 1996

A Comparision of Visual Target Tracking Methods in Noisy Environments

International Conference on Industrial Electronics Control and Instrumentation (IECON’95), 6 - 10 November 1995

Hareketli hedeflerin sezimi ve izlenmesi

3. Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı, Turkey, 26 - 28 April 1995

Quality Inspection in PCBs and SMDs Using Computer Vision Techniques

International Conference on Industrial Electronics Control and Instrumentation (IECON’94), 5 - 09 September 1994 identifier



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