Institutional Information:
Meslek Yüksekokulu, Bilgisayar Programcılığı Pr. (Tam Burslu), Siber Güvenlik Pr. (Tam Burslu)
WoS Research Areas:
Engineering Computing & Technology (Eng), Natural Sciences (Sci), Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics
Avesis Research Areas:
Computer Sciences, Information Security and Reliability, Hiding Information, Information System Reliability, Cryptography, Quantum Cryptography, Formal Languages, Formal Methods, Engineering and Technology
He was born in Trabzon in 1976 and was accepted to Marmara University Electronics and Computer Education (English) Department in 1994. He moved to Istanbul to study with the help of his family. He completed his master's and doctorate at Marmara University. Completed. He went to North Caroline State University for postdoctoral work in 2010-2011. He also received his second undergraduate education in Mechatronics Engineering. He is married and has two children.