Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Istanbul Commerce University, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2015
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: AYVAZ BERK
Abstract:In this study, searched the effect of the supply chain management implementations on the customer satisfaction and business profitability. A conseptual model has been developed and it has been tested if this model is applicable by means of SPSS program, correlation and regression analysis have been implemented. Cronbach Alpha analysis has been used for calculation reliability. Reliability coefficients of the scales has been determined between the values of 0,941 and 0,945. It was proved that the scales were higly reliable. Furthermore It was seen that a positive linear relation between correlation analysis results and variables in data sets. In order to test the hypothesis regarding the relations between SCM implementations and customer satisfaction and business profitability, the regression analysis has been applied. As a result of regression analysis, determination coefficient took a value between 0,769-0,822. In other words, the increase in indepentent variable is explained the increases in dependent variables were between the values 0,769-0,822. As the Sig. = 0 value in Variant analysis (Anova) is less than 0,05, it was seen that H0 was rejected. In this case H1 hypothesis was accepted in 95% reliability intervals.