The assessment of Chinese commercial diplomacy and investment in Africa: Nigeria case study

Tezin Türü: Yüksek Lisans

Tezin Yürütüldüğü Kurum: İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, Dış Ticaret Enstitüsü, Türkiye

Tezin Onay Tarihi: 2020

Tezin Dili: İngilizce




ABSTRACT This paper investigates Chinese commercial diplomacy and investment in Nigeria. The research questions are: (i) What are the changing mentalities of Commercial Diplomacy in China? (ii) What is the institutional structure of Chinese commercial diplomacy? (iii) Why China choose to invest in Africa? and (iv) What are the opportunities and challenges of China's commercial diplomacy in Nigeria? The study employed qualitative research techniques. The bilateral trade between China and Africa has been consistently expanding for as far back as 16 years. The biggest exporter to China from Africa was Angola, trailed by South Africa and The Republic of Congo. The study concludes that Nigeria-China bilateral trade has stayed low particularly before the consenting to two-sided trade arrangement. The study recommends that Nigerian ought to consider to improve speculation connection between the two nations to quicken the development of the FDI inflows, the legislature should attempt to draw in remote ventures from China to segments, China needs to adjust its policies to assuage concerns of Nigeria. Keywords: FDI, Commercial Diplomacy, Export, Trade. ÖZET Bu çalışmada, Çin ticari diplomasisi ve Nijerya'daki doğrudan yabancı yatırımları (DYY) araştırılmaktadır. Araştırma Soruları şunlardır; (i) Çin'de ticari diplomasinin değişen arka planı nedir? (ii) Çin ticari dplomasisinin kurumsal yapısı nedir? (iii) Çin neden Afrika'da yatırım yapmayı tercih etmektedir? ve (iv) Çin'in Nijerya’daki ticari diplomasisinin fırsat ve zorlukları nelerdir? Çalışmada nitel araştırma teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Çin ve Afrika arasındaki ikili ticaret, 16 yıl öncesine kadar istikrarlı bir şekilde genişlemiştir. 2018'de, Afrika'dan Çin'e en büyük ihracatçı, Güney Afrika ve Kongo Cumhuriyeti'nin ardından Angola oldu. 2018'de, Nijerya ve Mısır'ın ardından Çin mallarının en büyük alıcısı Güney Afrika olmuştur. Çalışma, Nijerya’ya DYY girişlerinin gelişimini hızlandırmak için iki ülke arasındaki politik ilişkilerin iyileştirilmesi gerektiğini, Çin'in ise Nijerya'nın endişelerini gidermek için politikalarını emperyal bir süreçten uzak tutması gerektiğini önermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırım, Ticari Diplomasi, İhracat, Ticaret. TABLE OF CONTENTS APPROVAL FORM. iii ABSTRACT. iv OZET . v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . vi TABLE OF CONTENTS . vii LIST OF TABLES. ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS . xi INTRODUCTION. 1 CHAPTER ONE :. 6 CONTEXTUAL TENETS AND PHILOSOPHY OF THE STUDY. 6 1. 1. Aim of the Study. 6 1. 2 Research Questions. 6 1. 3. Methodology. 6 1. 4. Method of Data Collection. 6 1. 5. Hypothesis. 7 1. 6. Variables. 7 1. 6. 1 Independent Variable . 7 1. 6. 2 Dependent Variable . 11 CHAPTER TWO:. 18 THEORETICAL UNDERPINNIGS OF COMMERCIAL DİPLOMACY . 18 2. 1 Commercial Diplomacy. 18 2. 2. The Basic Dimensions between Commercial Diplomacy and Investment. 23 2. 2. Organizational Arrangements according to Home Country . 24 2. 3. Changing Mentalities of Commercial Diplomacy in China . 32 2. 3. 1. Background and Skills. 34 2. 3. 2. Style/Orientation. 35 2. 3. 3. Activities and Areas. 36 2. 4. Historical foundations of China's Commercial Diplomacy . 36 2. 5. Institutional Structure of Chinese Commercial Diplomacy. 40 CHAPTER THREE:. 42 CHINA – AFRICA COMMERCIAL DIPLOMACY AND INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT: NIGERIA CASE. 42 3. 1. Over view Sino-African Commercial Diplomacy and Investment. 42 3. 2 Trade . 42 3. 3. FDI. 44 3. 4. Economıc Relations. 52 3. 5. China’s Foreign Policy Towards Africa . 57 3. 6. China’s Interests in Africa . 61 3. 6. 1. Political Interests. 61 3. 6. 2. Monetary Interests . 64 3. 6. 3. Security Interests. 68 3. 6. 4. Ideological Interests. 71 3. 6. 5. Economic Interests. 73 3. 7. Commercial Diplomacy and FDI of China: Nigeria Case . 75 3. 7. 1. Commercial Impacts. 80 3. 7. 2. Competitive Impacts. 80 3. 7. 3. Joblessness Impacts . 80 3. 7. 4. Moral Impacts . . 81 3. 8. Current Bilateral Trade Transactions between Nigeria and China . 81 3. 9. Opportunities and Challenges of China's Commercial Diplomacy in Nigeria . . 86 3. 9. 1. Opportunities. 86 3. 9. 2. Challenges. 88 3. 10. Relationship between Commercial Diplomacy and Political effectiveness . . 92 3. 11. Conclusion . 93 3. 12. Recommendations. 95 REFERENCES. 98