3rd International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications, HORA 2021, Ankara, Türkiye, 11 - 13 Haziran 2021
Street animals can be exposed to poison from the sources they eat from environment for various reasons or their food cannot be preserved due to unusual changes in seasonal weather conditions. Also, when people leaves pets at home due to obligation of going on vacation or to work, their cat food may become stale and run out by the time. For both cases, it is need to provide food as much as pets need, thanks to a closed system that enables its functioning without human intervention or assistance. This model has a single container of food supply and has been tested on cats as prototype system. The prototype system has been designed with a special hardware using computer vision technology. Cat is detected with TensorFlow library. Whether the fullness rate of the food tank is at the appropriate level or not is checked by the TCS230 / TCS3200 color sensor. When the food container is nearly finished, the user is notified by e-mail using The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).