Wind Energy, vol.12, no.4, pp.375-390, 2009 (SCI-Expanded)
This paper describes a new model for wind turbine generating systems (WTGSs) that is widely used as distributed generation sources. The model is developed by using the bi-quadratic equation, which is generally used for the calculation of the line voltages in distribution systems' load flow analysis, and facilitates computation of real and reactive power outputs of the WTGSs for a specified wind speed and terminal voltage. The developed model is validated with an experimental setup composed by an induction generator coupled with an induction motor as a prime mover. In addition to that, measured values are also compared with the calculated values, obtained by using the turbine models found in the literature. The incorporation of the developed model into some well-known distribution systems' load flow algorithms is detailed. The effect of WTGSs on the power losses, voltage profile of radial distribution systems are evaluated for the sample test systems. Additionally, the performance of the load flow algorithms with the new model are examined and found to be robust and reliable. © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.