Three-phase transformer modeling for forward/backward sweep-based distribution systems power flow algorithms

Eminoglu U., HOCAOĞLU M. H.

42nd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2007, Brighton, England, 4 - 06 September 2007, pp.115-120 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Doi Number: 10.1109/upec.2007.4468930
  • City: Brighton
  • Country: England
  • Page Numbers: pp.115-120
  • Keywords: Distribution system, Distribution transformer, Forward/backward sweep-based methods, Symmetrical components, Three-phase load flow analysis
  • İstanbul Ticaret University Affiliated: Yes


This paper provides a new approach for modelling of distribution transformer in the forward/backward sweep-based algorithms for unbalanced distribution systems. For the transformer modelling symmetrical components theory is used and zero sequence-voltage and -current updating for the sweep-based methods is shown. The validity and effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by a simple two-bus balanced and unbalanced system for grounded wye-delta and delta grounded wye transformer connections. Results are in agreements with the literature and show that the proposed model is valid and reliable.