Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Istanbul Commerce University, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2016
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: AYVAZ BERK
Abstract:Recent years, the concept of competition, which is both an opportunity and a threat in the business world, has become very significant for companies. Today, in the market the customers are dominant, companies must have more flexible manufacturing and business process in order to gain competitiveness. That's why companies adopt to lean thinking to improve their manufacturing process because of gaining competitive advantage. Lean manufacturing is a system that eliminates every process that does not add any value but consuming sources. Although it is very important, there are only few studies in the literature related to lean manufacturing. In this study, an analysis is conducted for an application of lean manufacturing to the production line of gasket, which is a major product of automotive supply chain. The lean manufacturing techniques, such as value stream mapping, pull system, 5S, SMED, one piece flow, cellular manufacturing, kaizen, poka-yoke, total productive maintenance, quality circles, heijunka, shojinka etc. is applied for a firm which products gasket for Turkish automobile sector. Results show us lean manufacturing techniques decrease the waste in production process by increasing productivity. This study contributes to literature by demonstrating acquisitions via adopting lean manufacturing techniques.