Ağırlıklı toplam erken/geç bitirme süresi minimizasyonu amaçlı tek makine çizelgeleme problemi için boş zaman ilaveli dal sınır algoritması yaklaşımı

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Istanbul Commerce University, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2017

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: AYVAZ BERK


In this study, the problem of single machine scheduling for early / tardy (E / T) time minimization for the jobs with different delivery times is addressed for the firms operating in accordance with the principle of just in time production. A two-step solution method is proposed for solving the problem. In the first stage, the optimal squencing is determined by using the Branch and Bound algorithm with new job prority rule. In the second step, the solution obtained in the first stage is improved by adding the idle time to the machine using the blocking method. Particularly in the first stage solution, new job prority rule is proposed in which the best node finding in the branching process is ranked first while the job having the highest index is ranked first. For the E / G problem, the lower bound approach is preferred for the branch and boundary solution. Machine preparation times are assumed to be within the processing times. It is also assumed that the early and late cost coefficients are of equal weight in the study. The developed model is adapted to a single machine scheduling problem of a textile company in Ethiopia. In this way, real-life applications is carried out for four, five and eight work sizes. The results show that the proposed two-stage branch and bound approach with idle-time in the study provides better results than branch boundary solutions.